
trouble of our own making 2

well, the missing item turned up (and there was much rejoicing). the down side is it looks like someone planted it; meaning they grabbed it and held onto it long enough to cause a big stir and get the guy who's equipment it was in trouble. i understand no liking someone, but common. of course, there's no way to prove anything so i guess i'll just have to be happy knowing it won't be used to kill us.

things have slowed down considerably. i actually have a few hours in the evening now to decompress. as long as no one tries attacking the base, things should remain this way for a while...but then, we are in their 'slow' season.... i'm not looking forward to their busy times.

so i've been asked about the food. well...there sure is a lot of it. i've also discovered most things can be made to taste better with some salad dressing. i think my favorite is cheeseburger with caesar...though potato with blue cheese is pretty good too. a good portion of the time in the chow hall is spent staring at food trying to decide if i really want to eat what i'm looking at. strangely enough, the whole situation has turned out rather well for some of our heavier guys who are now in the 'i don't want to eat what they're serving us' diet. hello weight loss program.

if anyone feels like sending snacks, i wouldn't be opposed to the idea. i generally shy away from sweets, things that melt, things that spoil quickly, things that require an oven or microwave, and edible underwear. i know that doesn't leave you much to play with, but a cleaver bunch like you will probably find a category i missed to ship over.

the only stuff i really need are the hygiene supplies i'm stockpiling. because i LOVE being clean. clean is the new hotness!!

one more night typing out a quick blog. one more night still working on that bottle of sparkling grape juice i snatched up from the chow hall. one more night contemplating how nice showers are...mmm, shower.

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