the day they told me i was going had been a good day up to that point. i'd been running around all day fixing things. fixing things always makes me feel better; i mean, it's my job so i should be happy when i do it right? in this case, it was fixing another communication system our guys have when they're out and about. redundancy is good, very good. then they told me i was going out, and my whole day reversed itself. i went back to the foul mood 1/2 the unit's assumed at this point. things are so depressing here. it's even worse when you know the depressing parts are unnecessary; doled out by the very people that are supposed to be helping.
at least today was good. there's a ton of work i need to catch up on (especially after losing a day running around playing infantry), but i took the day off. one more week and my 'second' will be back. maybe i'll catch up on the work then. i really needed the break today though. not having to see certain people does amazing things for my mood; even if it's only for a day.
for those of you that read this and are the praying types, pray for patience and endurance. the whole unit could use more of these traits, and they're the characteristics that will get us though this deployment with our sanity intact. i've been worrying about my soldier's sanity a lot recently. i know i'll stay sane, but being angry and depressed all the time isn't good for me.
one more day off more week day closer to my leave (whoo) more night listening to some kickin' toons...
won't you see it in your heart
don't you know you played your part real good
won't you see it in your heart, you should
know you always played your part real good
in the end, i'll be there, i'll be standing by your side
we will see how the tide hides away all the dirt
that's something to die for, that's something to die for
- carolina liar 'something to die for'