

it's been while since i've posted anything substantial. things have been busy for several reasons, and i'll go into a few of them.

the combatives class i was taking is long since over and my ribs are almost back to normal. they still hurt more than they should if someone hits me, but at least i'm not doubling over in pain any more. i enjoyed the class so much, that i volunteered to be an assistant instructor for the next class they gave. it doesn't hurt nearly as bad if you're not one of the students, and it gave me a chance to get some extra practice in. it looks like there will be 1 more class before we leave, and i'm looking forward to helping out with that one as well. it's amazing how much finding something fun to do can make this place more bearable.

in a few short weeks the advanced party for our replacements will be here. the unit's been busily preparing for their arrival. it's gotten to the point where every last person is thinking about when we'll be able to leave.

unfortunately, may have taken the negative influences of the unit as a sign that the army's not for them. it saddens me to see young disgruntled soldiers; especially when i know it's because of one bad unit. at least i've managed to convince my former soldiers (from when i was a platoon sergeant) that this unit is not like most.

and finally, i've learned the second of six of my grandparents passed away on friday. death has never been the same since my mom died when i was eleven. that hit me so hard, and i spent years recovering from it. months being angry at god, and years being depressed and trying to control my emotions. since then, the death of someone who's time has come and was anticipated holds no pain.

when i saw my grandmother in june, i knew she wasn't long for this world. i was pleasantly surprised she held out for a couple more months. i hope that extra time has better prepared everyone else for her passing. she was a effervescent woman who's passion for life bought her loved ones at least an extra year with her. may she rest in peace, and await the day the rest of us will join her.
when we all get to heaven
what a day of rejoicing that will be
when we all see jesus
we'll sing and shout the victory


  1. Beautifully said. Thanks.

    Dad and Mom

  2. Steve....thank you for sharing a part of your heart and for the cathartic tears in doing so brought.
    Be safe and know that although far away you're in my thoughts, my prayers and my heart.
    Thank you for serving so faithfully for our freedom and privileges.

    Aunt Mary
