
osama bin laden? really?

ok, so this is something that would probably have been better posted yesterday, but i was busy. it's not like anyone reads this blog any more anyway so...mute point i guess. i do feel the urge to record my thoughts somewhere quasi-permanent though; call it therapy.

i've been quite disturbed at the reaction to the latest news to come out of our government propaganda machine. the death of bin laden is all over the media, and the general public seems to be drunk with euphoria. i guess it's an indictment on the intelligence level of the general populace. i guess i need to explain myself now. here we go....

a threat? really? bin laden's been in hiding since september '01. i know he wasn't directing any of the insurgent activity i had the pleasure of dealing with in afghanistan. that was all being done by a bunch of unsophisticated splinter cells.

it doesn't take much to fight a gorilla style war with improvised explosive devices. in fact, this is exactly what he trained the afghans to do when they were fighting the soviets in the 80s. this time, they don't have our stinger missiles and the invading force is a little nicer, but those are the only substantive differences. hell, many of the villagers think we're the russians. now i'm getting sidetracked though.

and funding? we cracked down on bin laden's sources of capital. while cutting it all off would be impossible, he at least would have had a hard time moving money around. what little money and supplies the insurgents got was not from bin laden. it comes from people that hate having americans running around in their back yard.

contrary to popular belief, bin laden hasn't had any tactical value to terrorism for years. at best, his remaining alive was a great public relations boost for the haters of america.

so that makes killing him good for us, right? i'm not so convinced. it seems his death may actually galvanize the people our government has declared war on. has anyone checked the latest travel advisories? i know the tsa is a great reason to not go to airports, but anyone that does end up at one will notice even more 'security'. it appears letting him live would have been the better option.

but that's me being logical; let's look at people that are clearly not logical: the american populace. sunday night there was a huge party outside the white house. people were drinking, chanting, doing drugs.... adam kokesh went out there with a camera crew to ask a few questions. if anyone's curious to see just how stupid he discovered them to be, i've got a nice little link to the show where he covered it. americans truly are retards.

and that's probably the reaction obama was going for. let's see, what would we have been talking about if it wasn't for this huge upstaging event? there's a debt ceiling limit that's going to get voted on pretty soon. gary johnson and ron paul's campaigns are just starting. the dollar's been tanking pretty hard, and inflation's been flying pretty high. oh yeah, and there's a united nations gun control treaty that's up for the senate's ratification. seems like a good time for a distraction doesn't it?

seriously america. quit being a bunch of sheeple, and use your brains for a change. stop accepting everything the government feeds you on blind faith. hold your representative's feet to the fire, and let them know you're watching. wake up!!!

1 comment:

  1. disclaimer:
    most of the opinion stated up top was formed before i caught my standard news sources. in fact, my first thought was 'how long has he been dead?' because there have been rumors that he's been dead for a while. as evidence is lacking though, i didn't go quite as far down the rabbit hole as say...alex jones.
