
arab spring not just for arabs

i've heard several media reports referring to the 'arab spring' lately. while there's no doubt things are pretty intense in the middle east and north africa, the people that talk about an 'arab spring' have their vision narrowed a little too much. the cry for freedom from oppression is global.

in debt laden greece, thousands crowd into public squares to protest austerity measures. in spain, tent cities reminiscent of hoovervilles are springing up filled with young unemployed people protesting all parties of their political establishment. in france, pretty much the entire country was locked down by military and police personnel in an attempt to quell the rampant g8 protests (actually, every g8/g20 meeting since '08 has been met with protests and police crack-downs). in switzerland, independent journalists harassed police outside the bilderberg meeting. in china, they've stopped reporting the number of protests because there have been so many. in australia and new zealand, people have continued planking despite government crack-downs.

here in the united states, a judge decreed it was just fine for police to arrest people dancing at public memorials (specifically the jefferson memorial in the district of columbia). a small group of protestors went and danced at tj's in protest and were arrested. the videos went viral, and a week later hundreds of people showed up to dance around the statue of thomas jefferson. but they weren't dancing alone. all across the world, there were dances on the same day in support.

the world is in revolt. every day, more and more people are waking up to realize just how much their inalienable, natural rights are being trampled. as their eyes are opened, increasing numbers are taking up the mantle of political activism by getting into politics (tea party), or outright civil disobedience.

ever wonder why ron paul has such insane support? the people are awakening. in '08 he raised more money from active duty military members than any other candidate. even with miniscule name recognition he managed to run a relatively successful campaign for president in the face of clear attempts by the media to block him out. this time he's too popular for the media to ignore. a number of the republican presidential hopefuls have even begun to sound like him. but they don't have the decades long record of voting for liberty.

next week, i'll be in new hampshire for porcfest (the porcupine freedom festival). for those that are unaware, it's a week long celebration of freedom. this year, expected attendance is over 1000 people from all over the country. i'm sure quite a few liberty minded politicians will be there too.

on résiste à l'invasion des armées; on ne résiste pas à l'invasion des idées.
-victor hugo

translation: One resists the invasion of armies; one does not resist the invasion of ideas.

or a variant...

one cannot resist an idea who's time has come.
-ron paul

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