
the honeymoon is over

had a bad day again
she said i would not understand
she left a note and said, "i'm sorry i
had a bad day again"

-fuel 'bad day'
welcome to the day that doesn't end; at least not when it's supposed to. i'd gladly take the 14+ hour days to the 48+ hour one i find myself in now. there will be some sleep; i just don't know for how long.

i'm sure you'll hear about what happened in the news. all i'm going to say about it is i'm ok, and expect to remain so...but there's so much extra work now....

my thoughts are a bit scattered. i'll write more after i've gotten some rest. don't be surprised if that's a few days from now.


  1. I have tried to reply several times, but I'm not familiar with blogs. If you're seeing this, I figured it out :)

    I hadn't heard about the bombing until I searched for information. I'm so glad you are okay and pray things will settle down there.

    I updated some people last night at volleyball and told them you were playing there. Steve's comment was "in the sand, right." Yup, that's him ;)

    Please keep us updated when you can, even if it's just a few words.

  2. Ok, tinkerbell19553 is me. I think I got this changed to say my name. I've never blogged before...

  3. glad to know you're ok.
