

so everyone that knows me knows i love to sing; just not when others are around. they like to complain a lot (especially the bunch i'm with now). a few days ago i managed to be the only one in our 'room' of 6. i figured i'd just throw on some headphones and sing along with my favorite songs. what came out was atrocious. i don't know if it was the lack of practice or that i don't sound as much like haley williams as i thought (man, she can sing). so lesson learned: practice, practice, practice; even if it's just for myself. back in the states that's easy due to all the commuting i do. here though...

things have been a little busier than usual the last few days. a new group came in, and they're messing up everything that was perfectly good before they got here. this happens with every unit in the military. the new guys want to distinguish themselves from the old guys. i think it's mostly officers trying to get something good put on their evaluations, but that doesn't make it any less painful for everyone else. one more reason i'll never be an officer.

well, i need to get back to work. one more night in endless meetings...one more night of short sleep as i have to get up dark and early tomorrow...one more night wishing i could sing really, really loud...i mean on the verge of screaming singing...it feels so good pushing your voice that hard...

1 comment:

  1. Love's strong, mine gone
    Still have the time to sing my song
    Still have the time to sing my song
    Still not a crime to sing my song

    -Jerry Cantrell, My Song

    See, I can do it too :P
