

for those of you that noticed the blank post, that was my attempt to post something via my new droidx (one of verizon's android phones). it didn't work out so well.

anyway, i'm home, and have a lot of free time ahead of me. i was thinking about running around and visiting all the nice people that sent me care packages...or anyone else i haven't seen in a while. i'm leaning toward hitting up jon in budapest in early december, but it looks like all of november is more or less free (absent the very beginning when i'll be voting).

my car's in the shop right now getting all fixed up so if you'd like me to come visit you, just shoot me an email: porcupous at yahoo.

there's also the matter of this blog's future i'd like to ask for some feedback on. i'm still of the mind that the vast majority of people live boring lives, and blogs are an attempt to get people to notice them when they'd be much better off if they just went out and found some friends. it's this attitude that kept me from having a blog for a long time. when i deployed though, it proved much easier to blog than email 50 people individually.

but now i'm back; back to the boring life of one of the 300 millionish people in america. this makes it hard for me to justify keeping this. however, someone did mention that they would like me to keep posting. so...i'm going to leave it up to my readers. pick your favorite option on the poll. this is a simple, majority wins thing. since there aren't many people that read this, it won't take much to make this poll go either way.

anyway, get to voting...and emailing me if you want me to drop by.

1 comment:

  1. I think that keeping the blog would be a good way to keep everyone up to date (especially for those of us who are not on Facebook yet).

    Glad you're back home!
