

well, the time for us to go home is getting really close. everyone's busy packing. i'll be mailing a trunk home as i seem to have accumulated a few more things than i came here with. as for the timeline, all i can say at this point is we'll be back sometime in the last half of this month (october, in case anyone's lost track). the state's going to set up a toll free number to dial for up-to-date information about our arrival. i'd give it out, but i left the number in the office. i'll be sure to post it before we leave salerno.

i apologize for not giving more timely updates. things have been rather busy with packing, and training the new guys. when i post anything else in here before we take off, it'll be something quick and concise as i probably won't have much time.

well, i've got some work to get back to. i'll catch you guys later.

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